Last Friday my new scanner – a Canon DR-2020U ADF + Flatbed – was delivered, and I have spent the last few days trying to integrate it into my system and exploring its functions. I ordered it through Tradescanners who have an excellent web site enabling comparisons to be made between a wide range of products. The scanner arrived within 24 hours of me placing the order which was excellent. Unfortunately, I’ve experienced two different sets of problems – first my BT Digital Vault software seems to interrupt the scanner software significantly (a problem widely reported on the net – the underlying software, FSHosting, just hogs the CPU); and secondly my existing scanner and Document Management software, which could use an ISIS driver but doesn’t because I haven’t got one for it, seems to interfere with the ISIS driver that came with the Canon scanner. Other than that, the new scanner seems to do everything its supposed to – full duplex scanning of both sides of the paper as it goes through, paper size detection, blank page detection and elimination, and saving to PDF, JPG or TIF as required. I’m pleased – but am having to work through the problems.