Sharing Indexes

Indexes and Lists maintain information about each item in a collection. For me, an Index is distinguished from a List by also specifying a reference number for each item. I maintain indexes for several of my collections, and a List for one of them. Most of the indexes are substantial with several different types of information (Fields) and large numbers of entries, as can be seen from the details below:

  1. Photos and Videos (25 fields, 2116 entries)
  2. Mystery Books (24 fields, 121 entries)
  3. Personal Books (24 fields, 301 entries)
  4. Family Books (24 fields, 28 entries)
  5. Work Books (24 fields, 4 entries)
  6. Writings (Publications) (5 fields, 68 entries)
  7. Writings (Work Reports) (4 fields, 98 entries)
  8. Electronic Trophy Gallery (Trophies & Certificates) (3 fields, 42 entries)
  9. PAWDOC (6 fields, 17,372 entries)
  10. Mementos (49 fields, 1203 entries)
  11. Computer Artefacts (49 fields, 178 entries)
  12. Other Display Case Items (49 fields, 9 entries)
  13. Loft (15 fields, 537 entries)
  14. Stamps (6 fields, 60 entries)(this is the LIST)

It will be clear from the above list, that I think indexes are worthwhile. This view has come about primarily from my 40+ year’s-experience with controlling the 27,000+ documents in the PAWDOC collection; and continues to be vindicated as I manage the numerous other objects represented in the above table. Indexes undoubtedly take time and effort to create and maintain, but without them I wouldn’t know what I have or where to find things.

Having said that, I have deliberately avoided creating indexes for two of my collections – Music and Letters. The reason being that I preferred instead to use the folder names as a substitute. This can be very effective for a limited number of entries, since searching entails simply looking down the folder list: my Music collection has 142 folders each named with the relevant artist, and my Letters collection has 79 folders each named with the relevant person’s name. Of course these are effectively indexes with only one field. I suppose you could include more information in the folder titles to simulate the multiple fields in an index – but that would require discipline to maintain a standard format and to include all required information reliably. It would also produce much longer folder names which are more difficult to quickly look through and which may result in path name limits being exceeded for individual files. For these reasons, an index is probably a better bet for collections for which you wish to capture multiple fields of information; but, when such information is not required, a simple folder list is an effective approach which eliminates the time and effort involved in constructing and maintaining an index.

If an index is required, the trick is to minimise the effort needed to be spent on them, while ensuring that they provide the information that you want. In PAWDOC, I tried to achieve that by minimising the number of fields (to just 6) – and I believe this has been successful. Another thing I tried out in PAWDOC was to include different types of objects in the same index (rather than having separate indexes for each one), but enabling them to be clearly identifiable using the Reference number. For example, ordinary documents were given a reference number like PAW-DOC-2378-03, while 35mm slides were given a Reference number like PAW-SLI-106-01. The distinctive Reference Number had two purposes: first to be able to identify all the objects of a particular type; and second to know where a particular type of object was physically placed – either a filing cabinet, bookcase, or, in the case of the 35mm slides, a ring binder.

I have applied these learnings in the indexes to my other collections. For example, the four Book collections (items 2-5) are contained in a single overall Book index because they are all the same types of objects which require the same set of fields. In another example, though, there is no such rationale: items 11 and 12 (Computer Artefacts and Other Display Case Items) have been included in the Mementos index despite being rather different types of objects. This came about because I needed to create the index for these two items relatively recently and was faced with the choice of constructing one or two completely new indexes or of using an already existing index. I took the line of least effort and just added them into the Mementos index. The fields in the Mementos index were adequate; and I have deliberately specified Reference Numbers to distinguish these two additional other types of objects (eg. X-037-01) from the Mementos objects( eg. PAW-PERS-0647-01). I decided to use the ‘X-…’ Reference Number construct for both the ‘Computer Artefacts’ and the ‘Other Display Case Items’ collections because both are associated with the display case. However, I am still able to distinguish between ‘Computer Artefacts’ and ‘Other Display Case Items’ by the contents of the indexes’ Facet field which explicitly identifies a ‘Computer Artefact’.

The somewhat ad-hoc approaches described above are not the best way of structuring indexes, and would not do for very large-scale indexes with many different users; however, they do illustrate the flexibility that indexes afford the individual collector. Indeed, I am rapidly reaching the conclusion that, for me, the most efficient approach is to minimise the number of different indexes I have to manage, by combining as many of them as possible – even if this entails having some fields which are not used by every type of object represented in the index. The benefits of doing so are:

  • Less complexity: Fewer indexes to access, organise, and manage.
  • Easier searching: Clearer choice of which index to search; the ability to search more items from a single index; and less diversity in approaches to searching.
  • Better maintenance: Backing-up activities will require less effort and, therefore, are more likely to get done when there are fewer indexes (and therefore fewer separate collections of digital objects). The same may also apply to undertaking Digital Preservation Maintenance work

In summary, digital technology enables indexes to support multiple different collections, thereby making it easier and more effective for collection owners to access and look after their collections.

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