The shift to email – a comparative analysis of office mail in 1981 and 2011

In 1981 most of office mail was hardcopy – Local Area Networks and the Email systems that ran on them were very new technology, and inter-office email was in its infancy. I was working in the newly formed Office Systems team in the UK National Computing Centre, and I was interested in the impact that our implementation of a Zynar LAN would have. So I decided to survey the mail I was receiving with the intention of doing a follow up survey after email had been in use for some time. I duly collected four months worth of  data – but never did the follow up work. However, thirty years later I undertook the same survey – though this time, of course, the traffic was almost exclusively email with only a tiny amount of hardcopy. I now intend to do a comparative analysis of the two sets of data and write up the results in a paper; and I’m looking for someone to collaborate with in this work. If you’re interested do get in touch.


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