The reworked paper was sent to the International Journal of Information Management and a reply was received in April 2013 with comments from two reviewers, one of which recommended acceptance and the other recommending a number of changes prior to acceptance. Unfortunately, Tom’s workload has precluded him working on the paper over the summer and, with the new academic year about to start, he has advised that he is unlikely to be able to spend any time on it for some time. Therefore, I have taken into account the reviewer’s comments as best I can, and have produced a final unpublished version which is available at this link [Comms Comparison Paper Final Unpublished v1.0 16Sep2013]. The paper does do what I had hoped it would, and, even though it is not published, I’m pleased with the result and shall include it in the list of my articles, papers and books. It was a good experience working with Tom and it demonstrated that such a collaboration is feasible and can work for someone in my position. With that, this particular journey is now complete.