This work has lain dormant for a little while now – but only because I’ve been focusing on other supporting activities. In particular, I’m exploring the field of Digital Preservation with the aim of undertaking work to ensure that the contents of my work document collection is long lasting. In the process of doing that I’m also trying to publicise the existence of the collection in order to find someone who might be interested in giving it a long term home. So, I don’t intend to any further work on Personal Document Management until I’ve finished the Digital Preservation investigation.
For the record, I did actually go and talk to Jenny Bunn’s Digital Curation students at UCL on 27Feb2014. I talked for about 20 minutes, provided a handout (the odd layout is because it is designed to be printed double sided), and there was some Q&A at the end. I also had an interesting conversation afterwards with Jenny. However, it prompted no further interest in the work document collection.
Finally, a word about Anne O’Brien of Loughborough University who I started collaborating with on this topic in early 2013. The last contact I had with her was in September of that year, and I had heard nothing more from her or about her until I read in the November 2014 issue of the Loughborough University Alumni magazine that she had died in May 2014. Tom Jackson of Loughborough’s Centre for Information Management where she worked, confirmed in an email that she had died of a heart attack and that her death had come as a huge shock. I’d like to record here that, in our brief collaboration, Ann was very helpful to me and gave me a number of substantial steers which moved the work I was doing forward both in terms of content and contacts.